Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Spacetime bending according to the Dream Team

Another semester is coming to the end, so it is small wonder that in last week of March the The Most Frequently Asked Question was not "How to do it?" but "When we can meet?".

Time management-wise, Dreamers has decided to distribute tasks to everyone on team's board and meet in smaller groups if needed. One of such low-profile meet-ups has taken place on sunny Thursday, March 31st.

Project go like clockwork and so do we!

Beside discussing best locations for carrying out our project and discussing its implementation (which motifs could be used in elements of small architecture? how architecture will hint at town history and its traditions?), we were approached by fellow team from Demola Spring 2016 - "The Best Weather in the World". Guys asked us if they could pitch their project in front of us. We have been more than eager to help and readily agreed. After giving feedback on their app, we have chatted for a while and conversation that ensued proved equally inspiring for us,

Moreover, this experience reminded us that Mid-Pitching is just around the corner... Better brace yourselves!

Blueprints in progress

After Dreamers has returned safely to Tampere from Sastamala, work pace visibly increased. We have scheduled meeting with project partner representative to show first visualizations of concepts we would like to apply in Sastamala as part of revitalization plan. Meeting was designed in order to assess their feasibility and select the most promising elements.

Official part was scheduled at 10 but Dreamers always take precautions. To do proper rehearsal and prevent any technology-related inconveniences, the Dream Team has met already at 9:30. As anticipated, some minor struggles between user and machine has occurred yet they were easily overcome. 

Official part was made up of PowerPoint presentation accompanied by extensive commentary on all Dreamers' side. The most valuable part to the team was following discussion during which Timo (Sastamala municipality representative and excellent urban planner) has expressed his opinions on team's proposals. He appreciated all presented ideas but his attention has caught one particular concept which was not yet heard of in context of Sastamala. Timo advised us that such outside-the-box idea is indeed a way to go and the Dream Team should focus on it in further proceedings.

Encouraged and without moment of hestitance, we took the next step in Demola adventure!

Last week(s) highlights

Time flies like an arrow and nobody is more aware of it than The Dream Team.

From a overwhelming multitude of proposals main concept has crystallized. At first we thought that first stage of project was insanely busy with all new ideas just bubbling beneath the surface and unleashed in hyperintensive branistorming sessions - now we have proof that we were SO wrong about it.

Ceaselessly and tirelessly Dreamers are meeting up, debating, gathering even more materials, learning to use new software, spending endless hours in front of PC... All of this to achieve one paramount goal - create coherent blueprints and architecture visualizations as well as mobile app.

But before presenting the details - what exactly was going on?