Sunday, 20 March 2016

Episode 2 - JAM

There is no rest for the Dreamers - even on Saturday! All because of series of amazing workshops in Demola premises.

Thankfully, first Jam has started at 9.30 with cup of coffee to wake us from morning slumber. Before lunch time workshop were concentrated on - broadly speaking - presentation skills.We had to
try to sell the ordinary product which utility seems to be self-evident - like pen, for instance.

Even more challenging session has begun in the afternoon. The very name of opening workshop has been intriguing - "Sherlock Holmes". All participants were divided randomly into groups tasked with creating some out-of-box product prototype. After that each group had to move clock-wise to another group's stand and deduce what was the idea behind given prototype. Some projects posed a real challenge - one group was astonished to discover that object at hand was vampire detector!

Since we all have learned how quickly a prototype can be built, The Dream Team was reunited again. In the last part of the Jam every team was charged with building prototype of their own project. After completing this task, we had to pitch the result in front of audience.

Though Dreamers have found themselves in a little more difficult situation (city revitalization is a complex issue to be demonstrated in a form of e.g. simple tool) yet team has coped with it very well. Pitch has gone smoothly - our poster and map of renewed town center were received warmly.

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