Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Manual work comes before field work

Mid-Pitching has convinced us road we had taken is not so windy afterall! KIDS' CITY idea has been confirmed as legit and showing great promise. Yet expectations are even greater on the side of impartial observers but what about playground network's end users?
The Dream Team has decided that to go forward you need to take a step back - at least in spatial sense. Dreamers agreed that it is time to do some prototype testing with kids living in Sastamala and see how they will react to playground designs.

To say is easier than to do, as old folklore tell us. Making silhouttes was challenging task but very much fun-inflicting and rewarding one! Because all tools and materials needed could be found only on TUT architecture faculty, the Three Musketeers (Matias, Natalia and Yaniv) were virtually spending all their time in Hervanta. No regrets, however - result of their hard work are fabulous!

Find one difference between two pictures.

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